Thursday, October 31, 2013

Last Week with the BARx Kids!

While the Lampitt's were in Disney, the CrossFit Kids classes had a lot of fun along with a few successes!  Thank you to Abby and Chris for holding down the fort while Ed and Maggie were visiting the princesses.


The Steinkamps did it!  Tyler and dad both got their bar muscle ups!

And, here's the video to prove it!

Our BARx Kids are awesome!  So positive, so fun, so encouraging, so full of energy........  And, the list goes on.

Liam continuing to make progress! 
The Kids now have their own "Boom Board"!  And, they use it.  They are filling it up quickly.  A lot of progress with the Teens & Kids classes!  I'll post a picture at the end of the month to show you how full it is now!  Liam is proud and he should be - he strung 5 strict pull ups together - WOW!

CrAzY dReSs WeEk!

We've been talking about Self Esteem this month.  The Kids had the opportunity to dress CRAZY! Because.........we are the same person no matter how silly we look!  We talked about how special we all are no matter what we look like.  These girls all play on the same soccer team and come in every Tuesday - they are a joy to have in the gym.  Here are a few quotes from the girls - they discussed what they liked about themselves:

Ella: "I think it's fun to put color in my hair and like my shirt because it's the team I play for."

Grace: "I like my socks because I like bright colors and like to be unique."

Grace K: "I like my socks because they are slimming and to wear my shirts backwards sometimes to express who I am. And the's a Grace thing."

Ellie: "I like my shirt because...I like my shirt...and feel comfortable in it".

Abby: "I like my monkey socks because I like to be funny and make people laugh."

Here is a note from Abby about the WOD the teens did:
We came up with a fun WOD for the Cardinals.

"GO CARDS" - they had to unscramble the name of the WOD after they were finished.

S = 35 squats
A = 30 Ab mat sit ups
D = 25 Dumbell push press
R = 20 ring rows
C = 15 Cleans
G = 10 Gorilla Deadlifts with KB
O = 5, 1-arm OHS each arm (After finish 5 OHS w one arm switch to the other arm and work way back up to end on squats)

Thomas and Jacob celebrating what they have improved on!

These two work hard for me EVERY week!  They are an asset to our CrossFit Kids program!

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